clay artist | printmaker | educator

TKO – Nunhead Art Trail, September 2017

TKO is a set of new ceramic pieces that came about as a mediation on circuit training and boxing practice. It is a study of material and technical aspects of clay and ceramics. Boxing and gym exercise is a a self-forming process that happens though persistence and repetition, clay is a forming process that changes the maker and creates a new shape. We talk about clay bodies in ceramics to refer to the material that forms our pieces. The ‘creation of man from clay’ is a theme recurring though ancient myths and mythologies, and I keep coming back to it as basis for my thinking about clay, since I’ve started exploring it’s possibilities, and alongside my boxing practice. Materiality of oneself and clay as material have deep connections.

The exhibition was organised for Nunhead Art Trail, community art and craft event held annually in Nunhead and New Cross, London, UK.