tatiana baskakova

clay artist | printmaker | educator

Selection of projects from 2010 onwards: performance, sculpture, happenings and publications
Lecture about Lenin, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, curated by Elena Zaytseva (Pushkin House), London, 2013
Alina, 2010, St Petersburg, Russia
“And when he came back he was a hero…”, Goldsmiths, University of London, London 2010
The image of the installation
Holding Cell, Houserules project, London, 2015
Лес (Forest), Moscow Reg. 2011
Fragment of the istallation
Local Utopias, Moscow Region, 2011
SE14 Punchlines, Ladette Space, London, 2016
Banner drop, Central Hall Westminster, London 03 March, 2012
#SpaceFlower, photocopy, mail art edition of 12, 2016
Untitled, Xerox collages, 2013-2014
Танец Народных Депутатов, People’s Deputies Dance, Moscow Biennale of Young Art, 2012
A Fork, earthenware ceramics, London, 2022